Monday, June 25, 2012

Montezuma returns...

I woke up tired and very sick this morning. Once again it feels like mono; I don’t feel like doing anything except sleeping and hoping to wake up without this aching all over, fever, and nausea. I pulled myself together and went to the doctor this afternoon. Luckily I haven’t gotten the full experience of Mexican healthcare this month but I sure got enough of it today. I went to the campus health clinic which is free for us as international students. It’s very nice: clean, up to date, and all of the nurses were helpful and nice. The doctor I saw was pretty young and she had blonde hair (a pretty rare site in Mexico) though I’m fairly sure she was Mexican because her English was very limited and her Spanish seemed pretty typical. In fact we started the consultation in English because I was having a hard time describing stomach cramps in Spanish but it turned out that I could understand her better when she was speaking Spanish. That’s beginning to be common (that I can understand native speakers better when they are speaking Spanish). I guess that means my understanding has improved a lot since understaning Spanish was definitely my biggest challenge when I got here (pretty proud of myself, not gonna lie =). Anyway, the checkup went well. She thinkins that I’m still dealing with traveller’s diarrhea since I have a fever and also that I may have run into some food poisoning in our travels this weekend. That’s not surprising, the bus station food yesterday was pretty sketchy. She also gave me some medicine for acid because we think I may have a gastric ulcer. This would make sense because after basically every meal this month I have had about 30 to 45 minutes of pain in my upper abodomen and heartburn. I’ve come to expect it unless I eat a really bland, American meal like pizza. And so she sent me home with orders to not eat any meat or anything spicy or fried: anything they eat in Mexico. Later I got the Mexican pharmacy experience. They filled my prescriptions while I waited, in about 3 minutes. Non-generic prescription antacid, cipro, pain meds, and a gatorade cost $300 pesos. Not bad. I went home and napped most of the day. I would REALLY love for my stomach to chill for a while so I can enjoy my last days in Mexico. I'm getting really sad about leaving...

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